This established business has an eco range of products with 14 SKU’s in total. The brand’s philosophy is plastic free along with giving back to the community and ensuring that staff that work on her brand are treated well.
The business has grown, but it’s at that awkward stage where it’s too big to be running from home, but it’s not large enough to rent a dedicated warehouse and have it staffed 5 days a week.
This mumpreneur has no time to grow the business any further and really wants more time in the day to spend with her kids. While she would love to jump out and rent a warehouse as her next step, she knows that’s a big investment with a minimum 3 year lease to sign and set up expenses she doesn’t have the budget for.
The business is at that stage that all home based businesses get to. They’re profitable but they can’t be grown any further without investment in time and money. If you leap too far too quickly at this stage, especially in an economic downturn where a recession is likely, you risk losing it all.
Rather than choosing to sign a 3 year lease and rent a warehouse which this mumpreneur would have to manage herself, she decides to take a much smaller and safer step and hire the services of a 3PL. There’s no massive investment to set up, there’s no need to be on site 5 days a week and if the business has a downturn or a quiet week, they only pays for what they uses with the 3PL. If the business has a massive spike, there’s no need to be pulling 14 hour days trying to process the orders and wondering if they need to hire more staff, only to find out it was a one off.
We fully expect a dedicated warehouse may be in their future, but it’s not today.
Eco Pick Pack strongly aligns with the philosophies of this brand. The thought of using a large 3PL or Amazon doesn’t sit right with her branding. After an on-site visit, this mumpreneur got to meet the staff who are going to be packing her orders, to talk to them about what’s important to her and how she has been packing the orders to date. She’s happy with some ideas we have to speed up the pick pack process compared to how she was doing it at home.
She also likes having someone to bounce ideas off who has already walked the path she’s on and to make use of additional consulting services down the track.
This client discusses with Eco Pick Pack that the 3PL service is potentially a stepping stone to eventually running a warehouse of her own if projected growth comes to fruition so we’re all on the same page.
This business only sells direct to the public, so we’re responsible for packing customer orders, quality control when stock arrives from the contract manufacturer and some business consulting services.
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